The summer of 2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for our family.
Carolina Holistic Farm started the summer off strong after a successful planting in the spring. Our summer was looking great for production of herbs. This was going to be the best growing season since we started Carolina Holistic Farm in 2021. We were excited to provide more medicinal herbs for our customers and share more herbal medicine information ℹ️ with our followers on social.
We started to harvest calendula and chamomile mid-spring and continued into the heat of summer.

At this point, our family experienced one hardship followed by other setbacks.
Myself, Danielle, had some medical issues arise that was one of the major setbacks of the farm. I went to the Emergency Room due to experiencing difficulties swallowing when eating and food getting stuck in my esophagus. The doctor stated I needed an emergency gastroenterologist outpatient surgery.
I was diagnosed with dysphasia and had to have my esophagus dilated and biopsied.
Thankfully the biopsy results came back normal! Thank God! 🙏🏻
No sooner than I was trying to heal and deal with my esophageal issues, our family almost lost our grandmother. Our sweet grandmother is 89 and experienced a blood infection and she had turned septic. We were all told the septic was so extensive, she was in septic shock and all we could do was pray. For days we prayed and asked everyone we knew to pray for her too. She was on antibiotics and we had to just wait to see if the medicine worked.
After several days, we had received great news that the antibiotics worked and she was starting to recover. She is one tough lady! We are all thankful that God answered our prayers and kept our grandmother with us for a little longer.
Everything always happens in 3s (old superstitions) ... I'm sure many of you have heard something similar.
After a hard 2 weeks of emergency room visits, our family decided to enjoy a nice dinner together at one of our favorite restaurants.
I had to take it easy eating while recovering ❤️🩹 but we were all thankful to finally able to relax and breathe. We all met at our favorite seafood restaurant. None of us enjoyed a great dinner and conservation until once again another trip to the Emergency room.
That night after dinner, my dad was rushed to the ER experiencing anaphylactic shock due to the consumption of shrimp. The ER adminstered an Epi-pen injection and they monitored my dad throughout the night. Thankfully my dad has made a full recovery.
After all of this has transpired, we are all recovering from each of the medical issues we've all experienced.
Please continue to pray for our family and thank you again for the continued support of our farm.
We are grateful God answered our prayers this past month! We are blessed beyond measure.
Carolina Holistic Farm has big plans for the Fall and can't wait to share all of our exciting news of expanding our small business and hope to be able to offer you more value-added products for our customers.

❤️ With love,
Danielle Smith
Carolina Holistic Farm, LLC
"Growing Natural Herbs for Nautral Lives"